The Company has developed a protocol for the vaccination of prostate cancer in patients using similar techniques devised from breast cancer research. It is tested and laboratory proven and can become a primary role in the standard of care for prostate cancer treatment. The Company incorporates scientifically proven and clinically validated treatments for cancer. We utilize patented technology developed and or acquired by the EEH Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Center and Rune L. Stjernholm, Ph.D. The technology consists of multiple processes and intellectual property with embedded laboratory and clinical procedures that provide new insight to the treatment of cancer. The Company proprietary technology provides data necessary for the successful treatment and distribution of patient specific vaccines. It is marketable and potentially profitable.
The Company has data from a phase III clinical trial of a prostate cancer vaccine. Patients with prostate cancer, confirmed by biopsy, and or patients with an elevated PSA received the vaccine. We have enrolled nine patients in this study (7 prostate cancer patients, and 2 patients with benign conditions but elevated rising PSAs). All patients received their initial course of six vaccinations containing prostate specific antigen and biological adjuvant. Serum PSA concentrations were determined before initiating vaccination and 3-4 weeks after the 6th vaccination. All the prostate cancer patients' PSAs decreased after vaccination. During this process evaluation the prostate cancer patients received no other concurrent therapy (surgery, hormone, radiation, radioactive seeds, chemotherapy), and have additionally re ceived three further vaccinations alternated with IL-2 for the 6 months following the initial vaccinations. The Company has developed a protocol for the vaccination of prostate cancer in patients using similar techniques devised from breast cancer research. It is tested and laboratory proven and can become a primary role in the standard of care for prostate cancer treatment.